
Respecting Human Rights

We are committed to respecting the fundamental human rights of our people, customers, consumers, communities and workers in our supply chains. Our commitment is guided by internationally recognised human rights in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the core Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) including freedom from slavery. We are also working to implement the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs) and the Ethical Trading Initiative’s (ETI) Base Code.

As a reporting entity under the Australian Modern Slavery Act (2018), we submit an annual Modern Slavery Statement. Our Statements reflect our progress in identifying, addressing and reducing the risks of modern slavery within our operations and supply chain, including our governance process, training programmes and approach to due diligence and remediation. We also report under the California Transparency in Supply Chain Act. Our Statement for this Act is available on the Hinode website.

Resources for our suppliers

At SunRice our values drive how we do business and how we partner with those in our supply chain. These values underpin our approach to sustainability. Our commitment to act with Integrity, contribute to our Community, and be Collaborative are reflected in our Supplier Sustainability Program. The resources below assist our suppliers in better understanding our approach.

SunRice Supplier Sustainability Program

This 10 minute training module is designed to help SunRice suppliers better understand the SunRice Supplier Sustainability Code.

All training modules are available to support our suppliers own sustainability programs and should not be relied upon as legal advice nor considered as providing a representation of what may suit the specific circumstances of any entity or third party.